
Such declines may be the result of climate change deforestation overgrazing poverty political instability unsustainable irrigation practices or combinations of these factors.
Desertification. Desertification the process by which natural or human causes reduce the biological productivity of drylands. Land can lose its productivity due to a variety of. The risk of desertification is widespread and spans more than 100 countries hitting some of the poorest and most vulnerable populations the hardest since subsistence farming is common across. It is the spread of arid areas caused by a variety of factors such as through climate change particularly the current global warming and through the overexploitation of soil through.
Desertification is the persistent degradation of dryland ecosystems by variations in climate and human activities. The convention itself was a response to a call at the un earth summit in rio de janeiro in 1992 to hold negotiations for an international legal. In 1994 the un established the united nations convention to combat desertification unccd as the sole legally binding international agreement linking environment and development to sustainable land management. Desertification is the persistent degradation of dryland ecosystems by variations in climate and human activities.
Across the world desertification affects the livelihoods of millions of people who rely on the benefits that dryland ecosystems can provide. These drylands are home to over a third of the entire human population and they occupy nearly half of earth s land area. Home to a third of the human population in 2000 drylands occupy nearly half of earth s land area. Desertification is a type of land degradation in drylands in which biological productivity is lost due to natural processes or induced by human activities whereby fertile areas become increasingly more arid.
How to use desertification in a sentence. Desertification is a global phenomenon that refers to a decline in biological productivity due to multiple human induced or natural causes.