Pictographic Script Of Harappan Civilization

The standard harappan seal was square in shape with a 2x2 dimension.
Pictographic script of harappan civilization. The harappan script has not been deciphered so far. Some 3500 specimens of this script survive in stamp seals carved in stone in moulded terracotta and faience amulets in fragments of pottery and in a few other categories of inscribed objects. Let us learn about this very important part of our history. The indus civilization also called the indus valley civilization harappan indus sarasvati or hakra civilization was based in an area of some 1 6 million square kilometers in what is today eastern pakistan and northeastern india between about 2500 1900 bc.
Some 3500 specimens of this script survive in stamp seals carved in stone in molded terracotta and faience amulets in fragments of pottery and in a few other categories of inscribed objects. From almost all sites of this civilization. There are 2 600 known indus sites from enormous urban cities like mohenjo daro and mehrgarh to small villages like nausharo. All the seals have pictures of animals with something written in a pictographic script which is yet to be deciphered.
Harappan civilization is one of the most ancient civilizations of the world. The indus or harappan script of the indus valley civilization is one of the riddles yet to be solved. Script was considered of about 400 symbols out of which 75 were original and remaining were their variants. The indus script is the writing system developed by the indus valley civilization and it is the earliest form of writing known in the indian subcontinent.
It will be interesting to know the history heritage and the deciphering attempts for the indus or harappan script. The script has still not been wholly translated or deciphered till date. Indus script 3 management system and architecture. The harappan script is not alphabetical but many pictographic.
There are nearly 4 000 specimens of harappan writing on stone seals and other objects. The indus or harappan people used a pictographic script. In spite of many attempts the script has not yet been deciphered but. A few seals were also carried as amulets perhaps as a kind of identity card.
The indus script is predominantly found on objects such as seals and sealings and it also makes its appearance on other objects such as copper tablets ivory sticks bronze implements pottery etc. The indus script also known as the harappan script is a corpus of symbols produced by the indus valley civilization most inscriptions containing these symbols are extremely short making it difficult to judge whether or not these symbols constituted a script used to record a language or even symbolise a writing system. This writing system remains undeciphered there is no agreement on the language it represents no bilingual texts have been found thus far and its connection with indian writing systems proper. The harappans knew the art of writing.
The indus or harappan people used a pictographic script. It is believed that the seals were used for commercial purposes.